donderdag 8 mei 2014

Meanwhile in the Netherlands

My two week holiday started great with climbing my first 8a route literally on the first day. Back home I celebrated in my mind of course, but the desire to get back to my Teuto project or try new hard routes grew. The remainder of the holiday turned out to be a disappointment with respect to climbing: the weather is terrible now and will only get worse in the week to come. On the few days with good weather my usual climbing partners were occupied, injured or in Spain, so last Saturday I went bouldering in Avalonia instead.  I hadn't been there for two months and I could make a quick ascent of my seventh 7B+ (and probably the most fingery one, deadhang training seems to be paying off at last). Nevertheless it couldn't give me the satisfaction I seek: when in route climbing mode I find it hard to switch back to bouldering. Or maybe I've just climbed in Ruhrtal too often and simply need a change of scenery. Problem is: most interesting bouldering destinations are quite a bit further from home... 

But in the next week massive amounts of rain will spoil all opportunities anyway. Back to training then! I'll abide my time and wait for the stars to align for the next ascent. In the meantime I'll prepare my body for the upcoming challenges pulling plastic in my attic or Cube bouldergym. I'll write again when there's something to write about. For now I have this small video of two boulders I climbed in Avalonia last weekend:

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